Soft Skills

Center of entrepreneurship

Soft Skills

Center of entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurs and executives with Courses in Business Administration and Skills, which make them qualified to manage and lead their business and work teams to success.

CRM Customer Relations Program
  • ““The overriding strategy for any business is how to interact with and retain customers in order to provide them with maximum satisfaction and, in turn, establish a long-term relationship with them.
  • Therefore, CRM aims to improve the relationship with existing clients, find new future clients, and win back previous clients.
  • It is a set of integrated data-driven solutions that improve the best business relationship with your customers.
  • This training program, Professional CRM provides a clear understanding of CRM and its importance and discusses the important transformations brought about by CRM, policies for dealing with clients, CRM techniques, the data that CRM focuses on, how to build a CRM system, and in addition
  • “The basic concepts of customer-oriented services
  • Facing customer objections
  • Elements of effective communication and relationship management
  • Professional skills to talk to the client
  • Facing customer objections
  1. “Human behaviour and its role in customer service management
  2. The concept of modern management, especially customer relationship management
  3. Competencies, Skills and Attributes of the Customer Relations Officer
  4. Mental control in dealing with customer objections and how to confront them
  5. Effective Communication Strategies and Psychological Engineering Techniques for the Client
  6. Skills of dealing with different types of customers efficiently and effectively
  7. Foundations of Excellence in Customer Relationship Management Skills

Writing skills

  • “This intensive and practical course deals with advanced professional writing skills, developing business writing skills, enabling participants to prepare reports, letters and memos, prepare meeting minutes, draft and present them in a sound manner that serves the administrative process in the organisation, methods of drafting meeting minutes and how to deal with technical terms and identify common errors And writing obstacles, in addition to formulating data and information in the form of a report, and periodic annual reports that include weaknesses and defects in the performance of the entity and developing proposals to solve them.
  • This course focuses on advanced writing skills, critical thinking in business writing, and creative drafting of letters, correspondence, and reports, because the message’s strength lies in its clarity and brevity in the business world. Identifying good practices in business writing and then experimenting with writing complex scenarios, we will explore the micro-parts and risks associated with business writing and social media. Finally, we will describe the interaction between the technical, emotional, and political elements of the message.
  • “Foundations and features of administrative reports and administrative correspondence:
  • The nature and concept of managerial communication and types of communication.
  • Reports and messages and their importance in administrative work.
  • The role of administrative writing as an effective means of communication in simplifying procedures.
  • Administrative specialisation in correspondence and reports.
  • The constants and foundations of administrative and technical reports.
  • Steps for designing reports and administrative correspondence.
  • Reporting tools and technical skills in writing them.
  • Summarising, summarising and summarising skills.
  • Procedural constants for reporting:
  • Drafting decisions and minutes of meetings.
  • Technical conditions for writing effective reports.
  • Writing important reports formally.
  • The structural stages of preparing official reports.
  • Indexing, classification and reporting operations.
  • Preparing and drafting reports and memos:
  • Administrative writing conditions (reports – letters – minutes – notes).
  • Language drafting skills in preparing letters and memos.
  • Preparing letters and memos and the difference between formal and informal memos.
  • Preparing informational and analytical reports.
  • Plan and organise reports to reach conclusions and make recommendations.
  • Information systems to support correspondence:
  • Diversity of electronic information support systems.
  • Sending minutes, correspondence and administrative reports.
  • Advanced means of displaying correspondence and reports.
  • Support information systems to improve performance.
  • Practical applications using MS Outlook
  1. “Understand the basics of business writing and apply basic techniques for writing emails, formal letters, memos, and more
  2. Basic methods and skills for writing administrative, technical and engineering reports
  3. Develop professional capabilities in the field of writing letters and correspondence
  4. Enabling trainees to use appropriate expression methods and sound, attractive and effective formulations
  5. Strategic skills in drafting strategic reports
  6. Advanced methods in drafting reports and administrative correspondence
  7. Preparing informational and analytical reports
  8. The effectiveness of administrative communication with various parties through reports and administrative correspondence
  9. Optimal use of writing skill in effective administrative communication
  10. Specialisation in the collection and organisation of information for the preparation of reports and administrative and technical correspondence
  11. Practical cases in writing reports
  12. Preparing specialised reports and minutes in an official and more professional manner
  13. The use of computers and information systems in preparing correspondence, writing and presenting reports.

Administrative and behavioral skills for senior office managers

  • “This training program is directed to the directors of senior management offices and whom the administration considers important to attend. This training program aims to develop the skills of office managers and provide them with the technical assistance necessary to perform work with high productive efficiency and provide them with the expertise and skills required by the responsibilities and duties of the job.
  •  Terms of reference, duties and responsibilities of office managers.
  •  The scientific concept of administrative communication and its methods.
  •  The art of dealing with leaders and subordinates.
  •  Time management and optimal use of it.
  •  The art of official correspondence and its formulations (letter / memo / reports).
  •  Indexing and preservation (practical applications).
  •  Behavioral skills related to the job and behavioral aspects of performance.
  •  Modern equipment and modern office management.
  •  The foundations of simplifying work procedures.”
  • “Familiarity with the work of the main offices
  • And to provide participants with the administrative and behavioural skills of a successful secretary.
  • Good handling in interviews and formal meetings.
  • Provide participants with advanced foundations in office management and executive management of senior leadership offices.
  • Refine their skills in how to communicate with the public and the foundations of effective communication in writing, listening and dialogue.
  • Enhancing the skills of dealing with time, pressure, the element of surprises, managing diversity in the work environment of senior leaders, and the rules of protocol, etiquette, and event management.
  • Apply presentation and presentation skills and use assistive technology to do so.
  • Apply the principles of time management using a variety of computer applications.
MS Office
  • This course covers the basics of Microsoft Office 365 and cloud computing. The course describes how Office 365 differs from Office and what its components are – especially Outlook, SharePoint, Teams, Word, PowerPoint and Excel.
  • “Explain the difference between Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office 365
  • Explain the basics of cloud
  • Send an email with Microsoft Outlook
  • Save a file to the cloud with Microsoft Sharepoint
  • Collaborate with others in an online meeting or chat conversation in Microsoft Teams
  • Put a document in Microsoft Word
  • Create a basic presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Create a chart using Microsoft Excel.”
  1. “This course is important because it clearly explains the difference between Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office 365. It then shows learners how to use Microsoft Office 365 to be more productive and get things done like sending email, saving files online, writing documents, collecting presentations, gathering data together in a spreadsheet, and finally how to collaborate on all these things with others in meetings and chats.

Advanced excel

  • “Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Excel is one of the most important programs because of its main role in many sectors as it is the most used spreadsheet program in calculations and in many business activities, classrooms and even personal data organisation.
  • Importance of Excel:
  • The Excel program is one of the most wonderful programs of the Office package, and it is a free program that is useful in many areas, including accounting, engineering and administrative, and it is basically a program for tables and dealing with numbers in a distinct way.
  • The functions of this giant program cannot be limited. You can prepare studies and charts, and you can create invoices and programs for managing purchases and sales and all aspects of accounting activity.
  • It can also be used in the field of study by preparing class schedules and evaluation, and monitoring grades in different controls.
  • Excel also plays a very important role in graphs as it has the ability to create a variety of different graphs, which may be used by departments in different companies or organisations where those companies can get detailed estimated statistics illustrated in simple form of graphs or lines ..etc
  • Also, one of the important features of the genius Excel program is the preparation of various and statistical reports for employee performance indicators and the preparation of various reports, which allow different departments to take corrective decisions for senior management to reach the highest performance and efficiency.
  • “Edit data – Add symbols – Navigate within the document – Find and replace data
  • Creating special lists – Adding and deleting rows and columns – Formatting and aligning scripts
  • Date and time format – create special formats – insert images – colour formats
  • Page Counter – Setting Margins – Header & Footer – Printing Options – Building Equations
  • Copying equations – using functions to perform arithmetic operations – correcting equation errors
  • Carrying out equations between work pages – expanding the use of functions – creating instructional messages
  • Modify the if tag, use the date and time functions, and use conditional clauses
  • Creating and modifying graphs – adding diagrams – making Pivot Tables
  • Pivot Tables – Pivot Chart – Slicer – Data Filter – Protect Work Pages
  • Modify closed cells and cancel protection – Hide equations – Protect work file – Hyperlink
  1. “Advanced basic skills of Excel and dealing with equations.
  2. Formatting within Excel, formatting tables and conditional formatting.
  3. Building reports within the Excel program, and how to develop them.
  4. Use the ready-made report tools within the Excel program.
  5. Advanced functions in Excel, and how to use them in practice

The arts of etiquette, protocol and international ceremonies

  • ““This training program sought to prepare cadres of administrators and staff who are good at dealing with dignitaries and official guests, by applying a thorough understanding of the principles of international protocol, diplomacy and honour. These functions are usually exercised behind the scenes, and are unnoticed by the public, especially when they are skillfully managed, and include receiving Official delegations, supervising events and events of different nature, observing hierarchy, and other highly sensitive tasks in foreign and governmental relations.
  • Failure to understand diplomatic protocols and rules in accordance with the international rules followed will cause many negative consequences, so this course is designed to enable trainees to apply internationally recognized standards and protocols. Forms of address, arrangement of international flags, ceremony management ceremonies, etiquette and social intelligence, art of gift giving, and procedures for planning and managing major ceremonies.
  • “Ethics is the cultural vessel
  • Define ceremonies and protocol
  • The most important rules of etiquette in general
  • Protocol language and idiomatically, the term in the legal concept
  • The main points of diplomatic protocol
  • Ceremonies (protocol), procedures, traditions and rules of etiquette, official reception
  • Diplomatic code of conduct, official and international courtesies pictures
  • The art of conversation: general etiquette, choosing a topic
  • Reception Ceremony Flag Raising Ceremony
  • Protocol and etiquette for parties and interviews, etiquette for introduction, dating and greetings
  • General rules of precedence, precedence of Heads of State, Ministers and Senior Officials
  • Precedence of the diplomatic corps, accreditation of the ambassador
  • Rules for organising conferences and raising flags, rules for playing the national anthem
  • Rules of decency in the event of the death of a foreign head of state
  • The most important topics of official and social interaction etiquette:
  • Courtesy 2 Simplicity 3 Precedence 4 Introduction and acquaintance 5 Handshake 6 Visiting cards
  1. “To define the concept of protocol and etiquette.
  2. To differentiate between etiquette and protocol.
  3. Explain how to manage events professionally in accordance with diplomatic norms and international protocols.
  4. To master the art of reading the thoughts of others from a distance and knowing what is on their minds.
  5. To identify the best strategies in dealing with VIPs.
  6. Preparing cadres of administrators familiar with the arts of protocol and diplomatic assets
  7. To review the written and oral skills and behaviours to be followed in the administration of ceremonies
  8. To show cultural differences between countries and the extent of their impact on diplomatic norms and international protocols
  9. Represents institutions, departments and the state
  10. Practices the written and oral skills and behaviours used in the administration of ceremonies.
  11. Deals with courtesy and hospitality.
  12. Professionally manage events in accordance with diplomatic norms and traditions.
  13. Develops communication and interpersonal skills.
  14. Deals with VIPs in an effective and successful manner in accordance with diplomatic norms
  15. He is able to lay the foundations for preparing and arranging banquets, official parties, meetings and conferences, the foundations of dealing and precedence in the occasions of signing contracts and agreements
  16. Learn about the various rules of social and official etiquette
  17. Protocol rules for conferences, meetings and meetings attended by VIPs
  18. press conference protocol
  19. Office work etiquette in VIP offices
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