
Center of entrepreneurship


Center of entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurs and executives with Courses in Business Administration and Skills, which make them qualified to manage and lead their business and work teams to success.

financial and accounting systems
  • “A specialised training program that provides the trainee with advanced professional experiences in the field of accounting in different companies, such as accounting for contracting companies, accounting for hotels and tourist villages, accounting for real estate investment companies, and accounting for hospitals and medical centres. It provides the trainees with the full knowledge that qualifies them to launch in the field of accounting, while taking care of the practical applications and examples in providing the content of the program.
  • “Identifying the most important and generally accepted accounting principles and assumptions:
  • Accrual basis – cash basis – principle of matching revenues with expenditures – the principle of prudence
  • Continuity – monetary measurement – objectivity – relative importance – stability – historical cost
  • Legal personality – periodical (accounting period)
  • Getting to know the accounting cycle in all its details (the double entry theory and how to register in the journal – posting to the ledger accounts – preparing the trial balance with totals and balances – inventory adjustments – financial statements)
  • Learn how to design an integrated accounting system for any company, starting from the accounts guide (accounts tree to preparing final accounts
  • Preparing financial statements for commercial and industrial companies (individual establishments – solidarity – simple recommendation – joint stock) in accordance with accounting standards:
  • income list
  • statement of changes in owner’s equity
  • Statement of financial position
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • The notes supplementing the lists
  • Analysis and interpretation of financial statements
  • taxes
  • The second axis – the documentary course in industrial and commercial companies by applying the Excel program
  • Warehouse cycle (material warehouse – production under operation – finished production – spare parts) 000 addition, exchange, internal and external return, registration in item cards, inventories and pricing policies (first in first – last in first – average cost)
  • Procurement cycle (domestic purchases, external purchases, documentary credits, registration in supplier accounts, daily purchases, purchase returns daily, and preparation of the documentary credit cost list)
  • Sales cycle (preparing price offer – preparing tax invoices – registration in customer accounts, sales journal and sales returns journal)
  • Treasury and bank accounts cycle (cash receipts / checks – cash exchange receipts / checks – covenant settlement – treasury movement statement – matching bank accounts – processing currency differences 000)
  • Record of fixed assets, projects under implementation, methods of calculating depreciation, and the ratios currently used to calculate depreciation
  • The American Journal and how to direct restrictions and work the accounting cycle and apply it fully to the Excel program The third axis – the workshop in accounting
  • Fourth Axis – Specialized Accounting Program
  • The fifth axis – the electronic accounting program (explanation of the use of the Excel and Peachtree programs in accounting)
  1. “This program is designed to cover different accounting disciplines such as cost accounting, accounting, financial analysis, financial management, and others
  2. The program deals with accounting applications in various fields such as contracting accounting, real estate investment companies, tourism companies (hotels / restaurants / tourism companies), and import and export companies.”

Accounts for non-accountants


“The Financial Accounting for Non-Accountants course aims to introduce participants to the concept of financial performance, the basics of financial accounting, major financial statements, financial reports and International Financial Reporting Standards, in addition to enabling them to read and interpret financial statements through financial analysis of the main financial statements. And to familiarise the participants with the basic accounting concepts, the accounting cycle, methods for recording and posting accounting entries and newspaper settlements, the outputs of the accounting system and how to study the financial statements, the basic financial statements and their importance and benefits of each financial statement, in addition to introducing them to how to analyse and interpret financial statements for the purpose of making administrative decisions.

  • “Components of managing financial statements
  • Analysis by numbers
  • Key budget components
  • Using What-If Analysis in Excel
  • Capital budget and investment
  • What is the capital budget?
  • time value
  • Discounted Cash Flow DCF . Analysis
  • Payback analysis and period
  • net present value NPV
  • Initial cash flow
  • stability index.
  1. “Understand all the terms used and spoken by accountants
  2. Handling, reviewing and recording accounting documents
  3. Read and understand accounting reports and statements of accounts
  4. Reading the final accounts and analysing the financial ratios
  5. Defining the main accounting rules and principles within the framework of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  6. Achieving knowledge of the basic accounting equation, recording double-entry account operations, and the mechanism of new accounting systems
  7. Review the main financial statements and the elements of each (such as the balance sheet, the income statement, changes in the statement of equity and cash flows to shareholders)

Managing and collecting bad debts

  • “A training course designed specifically to qualify trainees from business owners, managers and employees to identify the most important principles and methods for collecting financial dues and overdue debts, clarifying the skills that must be available and acquired for collection officials, and the steps and means of collecting dues and debts from creditors and those unwilling to pay and bad and bad debts. Training Practical explanations of the importance of databases for clients, updating and analysing them, in addition to collection and methods for measuring it, and how to prepare and read performance measures.
  • “Negotiation skill, flexibility of dealing and how to persuade.
  • The skill of firmness and decisiveness in making decisions at the appropriate times.
  • Communication skill.
  • The skill of understanding the psychological and human psychological aspects.
  • The skill of balancing gains and risks.
  • Methods, steps and means of collecting dues
  • Issuing invoices and account statements.
  • Request for payment and follow up.
  • Diversification of payment methods.
  • Find out exactly who pays the dues.
  • Availability of guarantees.
  • Installment and scheduling.
  • Lead time and time factor.
  • Recourse to court and legal accountability.”
  • “Gaining debt collection skills.
  • Acquiring the most important principles and methods of collecting financial dues and overdue debts and its sectors.
  • Acquisition of the skills that must be available to the collectors
  • Gain negotiation skills about debt collection.
  • Being able to use negotiating skills in collection processes according to customer patterns.
Financial Management
  • “The Finance and Accounting Department is concerned with recording, auditing, analysing and communicating financial operations to senior management in order to provide assistance in decision-making. The main point of clarifying the nature of the financial position of the institution.
  • The financial management is concerned with following up the movement of funds, knowing the incoming and outgoing amounts, and calculating the profit and loss ratios resulting from all the activities and operations that are being worked on.
  • Through this course, you will be able to see the practical side of advanced concepts and best practices in modern strategic financial management.
  • “Basic concepts in financial management.
  • An overview of financial management.
  • Long-Term Investment Decisions:
  • Preparing the cash budget
  • Business and financial risks
  • capital balancing
  • Advanced Framework for Financial Analysis
  • Risk management according to the Basel Convention
  1. “Providing participants with the latest trends and recent developments in the field of financial management and the foundations of list analysis and its uses in rationalising decisions and preparing rational financial policies
  2. Informing participants of modern methods of financial planning and forecasting under conditions of uncertainty
  3. Developing the skill of preparing financial plans and estimated budgets and mastering the skills of employing the financial plan as a financial and administrative control tool
  4. Enable participants to prepare the operating budget and link it to the strategic objectives of the institution
  5. Explain the importance of planning and employing SMART criteria for setting financial goals
  6. Using environmental scanning, budgeting and break-even analysis as tools for financial planning and forecasting
  7. Define projects and apply project management techniques such as ‘PERT’ graphs, ‘Gantt’ charts, and ‘Load’ graphs
  8. Understand the principles and importance of proper financial planning Setting effective financial goals
  9. Practising financial planning and organising skills in a disciplined environment
  10. Recognize the importance of financial control, and use key performance measures correctly
  11. Learn how to apply capital budgeting techniques and cost-volume-profit analysis to enhance decision-making
  12. Acquisition of financial risk management skills and the ability to plan financial activities, monitor their performance and follow up on their results
  13. Gain the ability to employ modern strategies and global standards in managing and evaluating risks
  14. Identify the standards for risk management requirements that contribute to enhancing the security and safety of the financial system
  15. Providing sufficient knowledge of modern methods to raise the efficiency of financial control, auditing and internal control and related to risk management
  16. Enabling participants to be able to predict the problems that may face the credit after it is granted and that lead to the customer’s default in payment
  17. The ability to follow up on bank credit and the facilities granted to increase the effectiveness of performance
  18. Acquiring the skill of practical application in preparing the preparation of current and capital planning budgets.

Key Account Management

  • “This program teaches key account manager and senior sales people how to prepare and implement a major account sales strategy.
  • -Participants will be able to Identify strategic accounts. gain entry broaden account penetration and improve customer retention. since key managers often requires team sales we address the sales techniques and skills needed to Use sales team effectively”
  • “Define and implement various sales strategies that should be used at key accounts
  • -Brainstorm a list of great questions to Use with your key accounts
  • -Develop and quantify your value proposition to capitalize on your companys strengths and competitors weaknesses
  • -Identify& gain access and sell to decision makers and influencers at key accounts
  • -plan and execute a win/win negotiation strategy with key accounts
  • -apply a key account management planning process for an actual account”
  1. to improve your ability to protect and grow your business with your key accounts. you can also Use the skills and concepts in the workshop to Develop other customers into key accounts for your company. the workshop content and duration can be customized for your company and primary audience.
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