Social & Attitude Skills

Center of entrepreneurship

Social & Attitude Skills

Center of entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurs and executives with Courses in Business Administration and Skills, which make them qualified to manage and lead their business and work teams to success.

Basic skills of emotional intelligence
  • “The Emotional Intelligence course is designed to introduce participants to the concept of emotional intelligence and its ability to discern our behaviours and thoughts, and manage them in a positive way that enables us to understand ourselves.
  • This training program has been designed as a practical program aimed at engaging participants in individual and joint activities, projects. It is primarily interaction-focused, is based on brain research, and empowers participants with techniques and tools that are easy to understand and use for life.
  • “Discovering Emotional Intelligence: Its Importance and Ideas
  • The Emotional Brain: Why Emotion?
  • Anatomy of emotional outbursts
  • The nature of emotional intelligence
  • When knowledge is not enough
  • Mental intelligence and emotional intelligence
  • Slaves of passion and outburst of anger
  • Calming Anger And The Benefit Of Anxiety
  • Melancholy mood control
  • Caption for their feelings
  • Positive thinking through developing emotional intelligence
  • Pandora’s Box and Over-Optimism
  • The neurobiology of excellence
  1. “Understand the basics of emotional intelligence and its close connection with different aspects of life.
  2. Learn the importance of emotional intelligence and emotional culture as well as identify the components of emotional intelligence.
  3. Learn what feelings are and their role in our lives.
  4. Raising self-awareness by identifying the nature of feelings and their multiple meanings, how they work, the reasons behind them and the motives behind them.
  5. Providing participants with useful practical tools for regulating feelings, and for arranging and organising thinking and the resulting feelings, behaviours and behavioural tendencies.
  6. Mastering body language and activating its use to enhance the participants’ abilities related to emotional intelligence.
  7. Link emotional intelligence with the reality experienced by participants in work and in life in general.

Business communication and personal skills


What is the role of the regional director?

Regional directors manage and guide store managers that report to them. They meet with employees to evaluate business progress and create and institute strategies to accomplish the goals of the company

  • “Business continues
  • verbal communication
  • nonverbal communication
  • body language
  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Communicate with a large audience
  • Internal and external factors that influence our behaviour at work
  • The 8 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Problem Solving
  • Personality types and how it affects your communication
  • Team Building
  1. “Enable participants to raise the level of effective communication with others.
  2. Enable participants to use verbal and nonverbal communication appropriately
  3. Enable participants to improve their image in front of different audiences.
  4. Learn how to enhance your role as a leader in the company.
  5. Learn how to write business correspondence effectively.
  6. Learn how to work effectively in a team.
  7. Enable participants to solve problems based on personality types.

Self-confidence and responsibility

  • “The self-confidence training course is designed to enhance your confidence and develop your skills to become an effective leader in your community, as self-confidence is the cornerstone of building and developing personality as a key element in raising morale and will.
  • The course also aims to familiarise the participants with the manifestations and forms of self-confidence and the factors that prevent the individual from building his self-confidence and the mechanism for effectively overcoming these challenges and difficulties.
  • ““How do you believe in yourself?
  • Understanding the Five Personality Levels”
  • “Know their strengths and successes
  • Identify their weaknesses and failures
  • Accept the compliment and praise yourself
  • Using criticism as part of the learning experience
  • Be cheerful and think about the positive/bright aspects of life
  • Be firm about something you think is right
  • Be more confident in social settings
Brain storming

“Training participants to use the brainstorming method and benefit from it in developing creative thinking.

  • “What is brainstorming?
  • modern brainstorming techniques
  • Ways to manage brainstorming sessions
  • The role of brainstorming in developing creative thinking
  1. “Learn what brainstorming is.
  2. See the objectives of the brainstorming.
  3. Study the pillars of brainstorming.
  4. See the stages of brainstorming sessions.
  5. Discover the advantages of the brainstorming method.
  6. Learn 18 brainstorming rules that help you inspire more creative ideas.
  7. Learn brainstorming techniques.
  8. Discover the obstacles of the brainstorming method.
  9. See the factors that contribute to the success of the brainstorming method.
  10. Study the causes and treatment of mind wandering during brainstorming sessions.
  11. Learn how to manage brainstorming sessions.
  12. Learn tips for brainstorming sessions.
  13. Understand the meaning of creative thinking.
  14. Clarify levels of creative thinking.
  15. See the steps of the creative process.
  16. Study the basic stages of creative thinking.
  17. Clarify the basic components of measuring the ability to think creatively.
  18. Recognize the role of creative thinking in brainstorming sessions.
  19. Show how creative ideas are hunted.””



“The NLP course is designed to provide participants with a systematic study of human communication and the study of exceptional talent. This course provides participants with the skills to excel, grow and communicate, thus helping them to increase their personal productivity and business effectiveness because the course covers Introduction to NLP, Human Learning Model, NLP objectives and outputs, Personal Perception, NLP and Communication skills in NLP Body language, goals, value-based strategies, adaptive thinking, learning, and stress management.

  • “Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming
  • human learning model
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming Objectives and Outcomes
  • Awareness, Personal Perception, and NLP
  • Link – docking
  • Communication skills and body language
  • Strategic objectives, priorities, and strategies
  • Choose different styles of thinking and learning
  • stress management
  1. “Introduce participants to the concepts and principles of NLP.
  2. Recognize the nature of human communication as well as the nature of the development of exceptional skills and talents.
  3. Enable participants to raise their personal productivity and professional efficiency by teaching them the skills of excellence, development and communication.
  4. Recognize the human learning model in addition to identifying the objectives and outputs of NLP.
  5. • Identify awareness and personal awareness related to NLP, as well as communication skills and body language.
  6. Learn how to set strategic goals, priorities, and strategies, choose different thinking and learning styles, and manage stress.
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