Marketing & Sales

Center of entrepreneurship

Marketing & Sales

Center of entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurs and executives with Courses in Business Administration and Skills, which make them qualified to manage and lead their business and work teams to success.

Read and analyze financial statements
  • “In this interactive course, Financial Statement Analysis and Budgeting, participants will be able to identify the critical elements of planning, budgeting, and financial analysis leading to appropriate business decisions and performance.
  • The program will provide participants with detailed information and practical knowledge on how to learn about the analysis of the external environment and internal resources.
  • This knowledge will enable them to prepare for potential challenges and problems, giving them an advantage when evaluating the area for improvement in the organisation to reach goals and achieve future financial goals and strategies. Participants in this course will gain the skill to accurately and effectively detect cost behaviour, define processes for budgeting techniques and strategy implementation, and learn how to conduct a comprehensive measurement of system performance.
  • “What are the basic financial statements (read the financial statements)
  • Financial analysis as a tool for decision-making
  • break-even analysis
  • Financial planning and budgeting
  • Standards for evaluating capital budgets
  1. “Developing participants’ skills on how to prepare financial analysis models for financial reports
  2. Develop participants’ skills on how to estimate data with financial models
  3. Perform financial analysis, analyse variances, and extract information from results
  4. Introduce participants to basic financial statements, their importance and the benefits of each financial statement
  5. How to analyse and interpret financial statements for the purpose of making management decisions
  6. Mastering the analysis and presentation of financial statements and the preparation of the estimated budget
  7. How to make use of the financial statements
  8. How to plan financially

The role of the internal auditor in risk management


“This course deals with the work of internal control and the role of relevant stakeholders in monitoring, evaluating and implementing best practices in the field of internal control and their impact on auditors in audit planning, performance and transmission. This course seeks to provide participants with the knowledge necessary to understand the internal control environment and the roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders. . By applying this knowledge, you will develop the skills to conduct an “”internal control”” risk assessment and implement this in the planning and procedures for engaging external audit. Through this course, participants will develop the following competencies: Monitoring the work of internal control, assessing the effectiveness of internal control, conducting an internal control risk analysis and how to use the internal control assessment to formulate audit procedures.

  • “Roles and Responsibilities in Internal Control:
  • Roles of:
  • the concerned
  • Administration
  • Board of Directors
  • Internal Audit Committee
  • External auditors
  • employees
  • internal control environment:
  • Monitoring and Evaluating Internal Control:
  • Internal Control and External Audit:
  • Risk management and risk-based auditing
  1. “Understanding the internal control environment
  2. Understand the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
  3. Learn techniques for monitoring and evaluating internal controls
  4. Managing risk and how this affects operational efficiency and effectiveness
  5. Estimating the impact of the control environment on the external audit
  6. Formulating a risk-based audit method

Financial analysis of projects

  • “All large, medium and even small investment projects need to prepare a feasibility study to know the chances of their success in marketing, financially and technically in a certain period of time based on probabilistic estimates that require accuracy in their calculation because they constitute successive stages, one of which is based on a decision based on a team of specialists whose number increases with the increase in the size of the project and its disposal To put alternatives in front of the decision-maker to implement the project idea, develop it, or abandon it so that the feasibility study phase ends before the implementation phase takes place.
  • In this course, financial and economic analysis in project evaluation and feasibility studies, the participants will be able to identify the stages and methods of preparing the economic and investment feasibility study for the project.
  • “At the end of the course participants will be able to:
  • Define the feasibility study and compare it to the business plan
  • Determining the important elements in the formation of feasibility studies
  • Preparing a model for a financial feasibility study using the Excel program
  • Apply various methodologies to enhance and increase investment opportunities and analyse their financial indicators
  • Analyse the feasibility study and know its advantages and disadvantages
  • Knowing the justifications for making a decision to establish, develop or terminate a project and the appropriate alternatives to implement it.
  • Determine the relationship between the social feasibility and the economic feasibility of the project.
  • Gain the skill of preparing the necessary questionnaire to collect market data about the project’s product or service.
  • Use and interpretation of financial and economic indicators in feasibility studies.
  • Determine how to optimally use and maintain the project’s available resources.
  • Using SWOT analysis to identify the project’s strengths and weaknesses, its chances of success, and the threats it will face.
  • Determining the expected investment return for the project and ways to finance it.
  • Target groups:
  • This course is aimed at financial managers and their deputies, financial management officials, project managers and professionals responsible for preparing, writing and analyzing feasibility studies.
  • Program content:
  • Feasibility Study Concepts:
  • Concepts of the economic feasibility study and the economic indicators used in it
  • The objectives of the economic feasibility study.
  • Obstacles to the economic feasibility study.
  • Getting clients for economic feasibility studies.
  • Study the project environment (components – legal form – administrative structure – analysis).
  • Characteristics of environmental variables and strategies for dealing with the business environment.
  • Using SWOT analysis to identify the project’s strengths and weaknesses, its chances of success, and the threats it will face.
  • The content of the preliminary feasibility study and the detailed study.
  • Elements of a feasibility study:
  • Elements of a feasibility study report
  • executive summary
  • Feasibility Study Content
  • Market viability:
  • Marketing analysis and research
  • Types of marketing research data
  • Sales forecast analysis
  • Technical Feasibility:
  • Necessary technical questions
  • resource feasibility
  • operational feasibility
  • Financial viability:
  • Project costs
  • Indirect costs
  • Ongoing costs
  • Using the Excel program (EXCEL) in financial models for a feasibility study:
  • Preparing the financial model for the feasibility study
  • Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
  • Calculation of Cost of Shareholder Capital (CAPM)
  • Free Cash Flow (UFCF)
  • The final value of the project
  • Prepare sensitivity tables
  • Create an analysis with different scenarios
  • Analysis and evaluation of the feasibility study:
  • Financial Analysis Indicators:
  • Liquidity rates
  • Operation rates
  • Leverage rates
  • Insurance rates
  • profitability rates
  • Investment Valuation Analysis:
  • Break-even points for sales and quantity
  • Payback period (PP)
  • Net Present Value (NPV)
  • Internal rate of return (IRR)
  • Profitability Index (PI)
  • Application and evaluation of the feasibility study:
  • Summarising and internal recommendations
  • Feasibility Studies Evaluation
  • Common Mistakes in Using Feasibility Study Results
  • Offers Application
  • Practical models for economic feasibility studies:
  • The basics of writing a feasibility study report.
  • Reviewing several practical models for economic feasibility studies.
  • Make notes on the feasibility studies models prepared by the trainees as graduation projects.
  • “Define the feasibility study and compare it to the business plan
  • Determining the important elements in the formation of feasibility studies
  • Preparing a model for a financial feasibility study using the Excel program
  • Apply various methodologies to enhance and increase investment opportunities and analyse their financial indicators
  • Analyse the feasibility study and know its advantages and disadvantages
  • Knowing the justifications for making a decision to establish, develop or terminate a project and the appropriate alternatives to implement it.
  • Determine the relationship between the social feasibility and the economic feasibility of the project.
  • Gain the skill of preparing the necessary questionnaire to collect market data about the project’s product or service.
  • Use and interpretation of financial and economic indicators in feasibility studies.
  • Determine how to optimally use and maintain the project’s available resources.
  • Using SWOT analysis to identify the project’s strengths and weaknesses, its chances of success, and the threats it will face.
  • Determining the expected investment return for the project and ways to finance it.
Fixed asset valuation between theory and practice
  • “Accounting and asset management are core tasks of any organisation.
  • The assets of enterprises are their primary resources that they use in production and create future profits. In this training course, we will discuss the administrative and accounting methods for these assets based on (International Financial Reporting Standards). This course will include all standards dealing with the accounting, management and evaluation of assets, especially in light of the methodologies for shifting from the cash basis to the accrual basis, which helps to reach fair values. ) for those assets.
  • The program introduces participants to the modern trends of managing, evaluating and analysing fixed assets, controlling and auditing fixed assets in light of risks and other international accounting standards for fixed assets, and the effective mechanisms for investing in financial leasing contracts for fixed assets.
  • “The first unit: operations related to the acquisition of assets and their accounts
  • Module Two: Handling movements related to fixed assets according to international standards
  • Module Three: Asset Management and Evaluation
  • Module Four: Preparing the Investment Budget (Asset Budget)
  • Module Five: Presenting the assets in the final accounts and financial statements in accordance with international standards.
  1. “Introducing participants to the concept of fixed assets and modern trends in their management
  2. Training participants on modern standards in evaluating fixed assets.
  3. Training participants on the art of financial analysis of fixed assets and its impact on the institution and the use of fixed asset management systems.
  4. Informing participants of the latest methods and means in classifying fixed assets.
  5. Informing the participants of the financial reporting standards related to the management of fixed assets.
  6. Enable participants to review and evaluate fixed assets accurately and efficiently.
  7. Introduce participants to asset management systems and fixed assets.
  8. Learn how to re-evaluate the assets and their conditions, and the accounting treatment of the results of the re-evaluation operations, including profits and losses
  9. Provide the participant with the necessary skills to prepare the budget for projects and assets
  10. Recognize the method and rules for inventorying assets, determining their fair value, and presenting them in the financial statements in accordance with international standards.

Dialogue skills and the art of persuasion

  • “The art of public speaking and public speaking combines many basic skills, including communication skills, persuasion skills, body language, voice and intonation. Charisma and improvisation, as well as speaking skills in front of the camera.
  • This course, presented by CEO for pioneers, aims to develop the skill of speaking in front of others and remove the tension, anxiety and fear that an individual may experience if he stands speaking in front of people. Training on the skill of dialogue, persuasion, control, voice management, and body gestures.
  • This course will help you relieve nervousness, while increasing confidence and craftsmanship through some methods and techniques that can be practised immediately. You will be able to acquire the skills of the art of creative presentation through information that attracts the attention of the audience and deliver the presentation with confidence.
  • Learn about the secrets conveyed by the best orators over time, the concepts adopted by Aristotle and developed successively by giants of rhetoric such as Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King and others.
  • This program will make you an organised outgoing speaker, making it easy for you to spread familiarity, convince and influence others, and deal with surprising situations and questions; And all this through templates that provide you with step-by-step procedures, ideas and creative techniques, and the program will provide participants with training from the ground, by putting the trainees in real cases, living their experiences as if they are really professional speakers who present their distinguished presentations in front of VIPs.”
  • “It defines the concept of the art of uttering and the ways to master it.
  • Define the concept and specifications of an effective offer.
  • Realise the importance of purpose in creating your presentation.
  • Know the types of presentations
  • To know who the audience is
  • Understand how to attract your audience.
  • Learn about the different types of audience personalities and how to approach each type.
  • How to get rid of fear and anxiety in front of the public?
  • You know how to get your audience’s attention.
  • Know how to practise public speaking
  • Learn about the criteria for placing the appropriate content for your presentation
  • Put an appropriate beginning and end to your presentation.
  • Learn how to get the opinions and comments of your show’s audience
  • Learn about the most important programs that can be used to design slides
  • Know what are the criteria for creating effective and impactful slides.
  • You can differentiate between types of charts and graphs and how they are used in presenting data.
  • Find out how to inspire your audience with slideshows.
  • Understand the mistakes you must avoid when designing slides.
  • Learn how to deal with audience questions.
  • You understand the importance of understanding and listening to questions carefully and accurately.
  • Know how to answer questions you don’t know
  • Know what to do and what to avoid when answering audience questions.
  • Know how to help stressed people complete their questions.
  • Know what to do when the audience is bored.
  • Knowing what you will wear to give your presentation.
  • Realising the importance of body language
  1. “Enhancing the self-confidence building of the participants by improving their mental images of themselves and providing them with the skills of enhancing self-confidence and facing challenges
  2. Developing the persuasive skills and abilities of the participants by providing them with effective intellectual, linguistic and behavioural models in the field of persuasion and influence
  3. Develop the participants’ presentation and recitation skills by effectively training them on the four-way model of presentation and presentation
  4. Overcoming the fear of facing the public through effective techniques for self-development sciences and providing participants with effective strategies in this field
  5. Introducing participants to the skills of using body language for expression and communication, and developing their skills effectively in this field
  6. Training in facing situations with the presence of intuition and speed of thinking.

Advanced Negotiation Skills

  • “One of the most important personal and administrative skills necessary for senior and middle management and the like is effective negotiation skills. Employees and departments in all their positions negotiate daily in all administrative, functional and personal affairs. Possessing the basics of negotiation skills, especially with consultants and contractors, will help departments, institutions and employees in achieving the departments’ goals. Exploitation of production sources in the least effort and time and at the lowest possible cost.
  • This course aims to provide the trainees with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to enable them to carry out negotiation processes efficiently and effectively with consultants and contractors so that they can succeed in achieving their goals at the personal and institutional level, by providing participants with effective methods and scientific concepts of the negotiation process, and developing their abilities in facing Negotiation problems on the basis of awareness of the nature, components and risks of negotiation with presenting the events of trends in negotiation methods and strategies, as well as planning and preparing the negotiation process and tactics of managing sessions.
  • “The nature and dimensions of the negotiation process
  • Advanced Negotiation Strategies
  • Behavioural Models of Negotiators
  • Negotiation techniques and skills
  • Use leverage and conflict resolution skills to build better bargaining deals
  • The psychology of negotiation
  1. “Understand the concept of negotiation, its processes and strategies
  2. Learn about effective negotiation strategies and models with consultants and contractors
  3. The ability to practise effective negotiation methods and strategies with consultants and contractors
  4. Develop personal and managerial skills when dealing with others
  5. Gain insight into their own strengths and weaknesses as negotiators, and gain personal feedback to improve performance
  6. Gaining confidence through the ability to plan, implement and deliver effective negotiation outcomes with consultants and contractors
  7. Develop an understanding of the psychological drivers behind negotiation behaviours and how they can be used to influence others
  8. Develop effective negotiation skills to reach positive results in various administrative situations.
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Enrich your career and grow your business innovation via increase your knowledge with the latest technologies in business administration.
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