Human Recourses Development

Center of entrepreneurship

Human Recourses Development

Center of entrepreneurship provides entrepreneurs and executives with Courses in Business Administration and Skills, which make them qualified to manage and lead their business and work teams to success.

Contemporary HRM
  • ““With the current changes and development in business and in the dynamic social environment, effective human resource management is the driving force behind the success of businesses and organisations. Recognizing the unique capabilities, contributions, and values ​​of employees is essential to building a great business. This certified human resource management program aims to: Providing participants with scientific practices and practical knowledge in the field of human resource management in various business sectors, to enable participants to contribute to the formulation of human resource management systems that enable institutions to achieve strategic business objectives and enhance overall organisational performance.
  • This accredited training program has been developed to provide participants with the essential knowledge and skills to become successful HR and labour relations professionals. It covers various topics in HR such as: the role of HR staff and managers in recruitment, training, employee evaluation and motivation, employee relations management, and change management. within the institution. In addition, the trainees will be introduced to the principles, general concepts and legal aspects of human resources.
  • “The most important challenges facing human resource management in the modern era
  • Practical practices – in human resource management:
  • Human Resource Planning:
  • Recruitment, selection and recruitment
  • job performance appraisal
  • Training and career planning
  • Organisational behaviour and human resource management
  • Legal aspects of human resource management
  1. “Lean HR Management
  2. Green Human Resource Management
  3. Emotional intelligence for human resource managers
  4. Organisational behaviour in the framework of human resources (motivation, job satisfaction, effective communication, work pressure)
  5. Creative skills for human resource management
  6. The basic pillars that must be available in human resource management
  7. Modern challenges facing human resource management in modern organisations
  8. Strategic planning for human resources
  9. Drawing manpower planning procedures and policies in modern organisations
  10. Modern applications of human resource management
  11. selection and recruitment
  12. Training and human resource development
  13. Succession plans
  14. Drawing performance evaluation policies and procedures in modern organisations
  15. Blue ocean leadership as an introduction to human resource management
  16. Competency-based human resource management

Labour law

  • “This course shows how to avoid mistakes that many HR managers make due to limited knowledge of their legal responsibilities. What you will learn from the topics that will be discussed during this course include: Understanding the legal implications For the human resources function; ensuring that human resources contracts and policies are in compliance with labour law, participants in this program will gain familiarity with the legal environment and framework within which human resources laws operate, and the means available to avoid the consequences breaking the rules.
  • The program also covers the legal aspects affecting the practice of human resources management, and is based on the principles of labour law and the legal aspects that assist in the promotion of employees and workers, the development of practical solutions to its problems, and influential provisions compatible with the labour law, during all stages of human resources management, from the recruitment stage to the stage of employment. Termination of service, based on the laws followed in the recruitment process, the provision of fair opportunities, occupational health, safety, the legal framework for the user in financial compensation, dispute resolution, termination of service, suspension of salary payment, types of disciplinary sanctions controls the work of foreigners and expatriates.
  • “The challenges and difficulties facing human resource management in the modern era:
  • Creative skills needed to develop human resource management practices:
  • Principles and legal aspects related to human resource management:
  • The most prominent legal systems related to human resources and their importance to the organisation:
  • The legal rules that ensure the proper selection of employees when hiring and when evaluating performance
  1. “Review the latest laws and regulations affecting human resources.
  2. Explore work/employee relationships, safety laws, rules and regulations.
  3. Enable participants to be familiar with the legal aspects related to human resources management that ensure the safety of their performance of their work tasks and duties and to avoid legal problems that are difficult to deal with if they are not properly addressed in a timely manner with the aim of improving the overall performance of the organisation.
  4. Deepening the concepts of studying the laws and regulations in force in the management and development of human resources within the organisation, with a presentation of legal work problems, foundations of administrative investigation and decision-making authorities.
  5. Developing practical solutions to problems and effective provisions that are compatible with the labour law, during all stages of human resource management.

Training Needs Identification

  • “Due to the changes taking place in the business environment, which reflected in their effects on organisations, which necessitated a review of the structure of skill and knowledge of human resources and the development of their performance capabilities. This development called for the organisation to focus on training activity with the aim of developing new skills and knowledge that cope with the new job requirements. From this point of view, the institutions worked on the development, development and upgrading of the human resource, as training is one of the means used by the administration in order to achieve this development and to develop the scientific, behavioural and technical capabilities of the employees, which is reflected in the development of the performance of organisations.
  • “Performance Oriented Training System:
  • Training Quality and Total Quality Management:
  • Analysis and identification of training plans and needs:
  • Designing performance-oriented training programs:
  • Evaluation of training programs:
  • Training and developing future leaders
  • “Training (nature – fields – objectives – importance).
  • The relationship between training and total quality management.
  • Training process and integrated management system.
  • future training directions.
  • Talent management and human capital.
  • How to identify the pattern of trainees.
  • What do you do before, during and after training?
  • Effectiveness and personal efficiency of the coach and career development.
  • Describe the success of training at all levels, from reaction to investment returns.
  • T.I.M.A. Form for Determining Training Needs.
  • Determining the strategic, tactical and managerial skills of the training profession.
  • Common mistakes in training.
  • Designing training programs.
  • Design a performance-oriented training system.
  • Evaluation of training programs.
  • Success factors for training in organisations.
  • Means and tools for career development.
  • How to link training programs and career development planning.
  • General framework for identifying training needs.
  • Results of training needs analysis.
  • Choose appropriate training methods.
  • Career path and training path.
  • How are the training programs implemented?
  • Modern management of training systems.
Advanced Human Resources Management
  • “This training course “Excellence and Advanced Skills in Human Resources Management” is characterised by its comprehensiveness and strength, as it adopts a theoretical and practical approach and covers the most important strategic human resources functions, which include:
  • Deep understanding of human resource management in the global environment, improving the performance of the organisation through the effective development of human capital, structuring teams and leadership in times of change, formulating and implementing human resource strategies that enable the organisation to succeed and drive performance to the maximum extent possible.
  • This interactive and intensive course aims at refining the expertise and skills of officials and managers of human resources and personnel affairs and providing them with the necessary specialised expertise. As the human resources function has become the lifeblood within institutions and companies, which bears the responsibility of managing the most important resource or wealth owned by any institution or company, which is its human resources. personnel, prepare the salary and wage structure and prepare training and development plans for employees, at the tactical and strategic level.
  • “The four roles of human resources according to Orlich’s models:
  • Organisational Structure Design, Job Analysis and Evaluation:
  • Human Resource Planning:
  • Attracting human resources:
  • Selection and appointment:
  • Human Resources Wages and Compensation:
  • HR performance appraisal:
  • HR Training:
  • Career path management and planning:
  • Industrial Security and Occupational Health and Safety:
  • Personnel discipline
  1. “Develop knowledge and skills in human resource management processes, tools, systems and techniques
  2. Develop skills in planning human resource activities within the organisation
  3. Mastering the management of the main activities of human resource management
  4. Mastering Job Analysis
  5. Prepare and write a job description card
  6. Know the types and methods of effective recruitment (attraction) for human resources
  7. Managing the process and steps for selecting human competencies
  8. Skills of conducting and managing personal interviews
  9. Determine the training needs of the organisation
  10. Preparing employee development and training plans
  11. Knowing the methods and methods of evaluating the performance of employees
  12. Know the theories of motivating the company’s employees
  13. Preparing employee motivation process models
  14. Effective management of the relationship between the organisation and employees
  15. Preparing and managing the wage and salary structure
  16. Analysis of legal and diversity issues in the field of human resource management

Human Resources Management

  • “Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is in fact one of the most important concepts in business and management today. The idea of ​​strategic human resource management is to promote high-performance workplaces and manage human capital, strategic human resource management can be defined as connecting human resources With the strategic goals and objectives of organisations in order to improve business performance and develop an organisational culture that nurtures innovation, flexibility and competitive advantage in the organisation.
  • This means that the strategic management of human resources means accepting and involving the human resources function as a strategic partner in the formulation and implementation of the strategies of the organisation or company through human resources activities such as hiring, selecting, training and rewarding employees. Therefore, its primary objective is to increase employee productivity and identify the main areas of human resources where Implement long-term strategies to improve overall employee motivation along with productivity. This course will enable you to transform yourself and your HR department into a business partner capable of delivering results and adding real value to your organisation.
  • “The strategic role of human resources:
  • Transformation in human resource management:
  • Organisational Development Strategy:
  • Human Capital Management (HCM) Strategy:
  • Knowledge Management Strategy:
  • Performance Management Strategy:
  • Recruitment and selection of human resources:
  • Department of Human Resources:
  • Modern HR Systems:
  • Managing human resources in partnership with the business sector:
  1. “Mastering strategic HR management and drafting an HR strategy
  2. Key practices involved in implementing strategic human resource management
  3. The latest developments with best practices in human resource management and their alignment with the organisation’s vision, strategies, values ​​and competencies
  4. Explain the important KPIs that must be constantly monitored in the HR department
  5. Ensuring that the organisation’s resources (particularly those affecting human resources) are directed to the achievement of the organisation’s goals
  6. Ensure that the activities of the human resource department are directed in the same direction as the activities of the organisation
  7. Ensuring coordination and cooperation between the human resources department and senior management of the organisation in achieving strategic goals
  8. Mastering strategic human resource management practices in organisational effectiveness for distinguished organisations.

Selection and appointment skills and job interview procedures

  • “This course “Recruitment Management, Attracting Competencies, Selection and Appointment” is one of the most important training courses in human resources, which adds to its participants many important and valuable information, and works to enrich its participants in learning about all the scientific aspects of interviews, selection and appointment. On competencies, this course provides participants with in-depth coverage of human resource planning, recruitment and selection tasks within organisations.
  • The course is designed for HR professionals, future workers, as well as employees and managers. It deals with the processes undertaken by organisations to attract, hire and retain the employees needed to achieve their predetermined business objectives. Combining both academic and applied perspectives, it is designed to cover every step in the recruitment process sequentially, from recruitment (external and internal) to job offers. In between these topics, the course examines selection strategies and practices (measurement, examination and external testing, and internal selection).
  • “Introducing the policies of polarisation, selection and appointment:
  • Recruitment and selection information management:
  • Selection and Appointment of Human Resources and Steps in the Recruitment Selection Process:
  • The arts and skills of using competency-based interviews:
  • Screening of candidates and composing qualified lists:
  • Advanced skills in the use of competency-based interviews:
  • Personal interviews with candidates:
  • selection decision:
  1. “Mastering the science of organisational behaviour in conducting job interviews
  2. The application of modern techniques and methods in the recruitment and selection process in human resources
  3. Define recruitment, identify its main steps, and learn the best methods and resources to attract qualified candidates
  4. Understand the competency-based interview model, the advantage of inquiry and probing competencies, and the advantages of questioning and probing in competencies
  5. Learn how to observe, record, categorise, and evaluate evidence
  6. Learn how to organise the interview for the best results. Develop competency-based questioning and questioning techniques
  7. Learn the main types of selection interviews, when and how to use each
  8. Preparing and conducting an accurate personal interview when any job vacancy in the institution
  9. Use of data collected from the various evaluation stages for selection purposes
  10. Participate in a hands-on interviewing session (for participants/to make hiring decisions) and get development suggestions from a professional coach”
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